github open-telemetry/opentelemetry-dotnet-contrib Exporter.Geneva-1.3.0

  • Supports OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting based configuration for GenevaMetricExporter. 397

  • Update OTel SDK version to 1.3.0. 427

  • Remove support for .NET Framework 4.6.1. The minimum .NET Framework version
    supported now is .NET 4.6.2. 441

  • Fix the incorrect ExportResult issue on Linux:422 by throwing any exception caught by UnixDomainSocketDataTransport.Send so that Export methods cn catch it and correctly set ExportResult to ExportResult.Failure. 444

  • The option PrepopulatedFields of GenevaExporterOptions will only support values of type: bool, byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, and string. It will also not accept null values. 514 537

  • The option MetricExportIntervalMilliseconds of GenevaMetricExporterOptions will not accept a value less than 1000. 527

  • Remove support for exporting ILogger scopes that was added in 1.3.0-beta.2 version. 541

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