github open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector v0.122.0

latest releases: receiver/v1.28.0, pdata/v1.28.0, featuregate/v1.28.0...
23 hours ago

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End User Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • service: Batch processor telemetry is no longer emitted at "basic" verbosity level (#7890)
    According to the guidelines, basic-level telemetry should be reserved for core Collector APIs.
    Components such as the batch processor should emit telemetry starting from the "normal" level
    (which is also the default level).

    Migration: If your Collector telemetry was set to level: basic and you want to keep seeing
    batch processor-related metrics, consider switching to level: normal instead.

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • service: Add service.AllowNoPipelines feature gate to allow starting the Collector without pipelines. (#12613)
    This can be used to start with only extensions.

  • mdatagen: Delete generated_status.go if the component type doesn't require it. (#12346)

  • componenttest: Improve config struct mapstructure field tag checks (#12590)
    remain tags and omitempty tags without a custom field name will now pass validation.

  • service: include component id/type in start error (#10426)

  • mdatagen: Add deprecation date and migration guide fields as part of component metadata (#12359)

  • confmap: Introduce a new feature flag to allow for merging lists instead of discarding the existing ones. (#8394, #8754, #10370)
    You can enable this option via the command line by running following command:
    otelcol --config=main.yaml --config=extra_config.yaml --feature-gates=-confmap.enableMergeAppendOption

  • zpagesextension: Add expvar handler to zpages extension. (#11081)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • confmap: Maintain nil values when marshaling or unmarshaling nil slices (#11882)
    Previously, nil slices were converted to empty lists, which are semantically different
    than a nil slice. This change makes this conversion more consistent when encoding
    or decoding config, and these values are now maintained.

  • service: do not attempt to register process metrics if they are disabled (#12098)

API Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • auth, authtest: Remove deprecated modules extension/auth and extension/auth/authtest (#12543)
    Use extension/extensionauth and extension/extensionauth/extensionauthtest instead.

  • extensionauth: Remove deprecated methods from the Func types. (#12547)

  • extensiontest, connectortest, processortest, receivertest, scrapertest, exportertest: Remove deprecated NewNopSettingsWithType functions, use NewNopSettings instead. (#12221)

  • extensionauthtest: Remove the extensionauthtest.MockClient struct. (#12567)

    • Use extensionauthtest.NewNopClient to create a client with a noop implementation.
    • Use extensionauthtest.NewErrorClient to create a client that always returns an error.
    • Implement the extensionauth interfaces for custom mock client implementations.
  • component/componenttest: Remove the deprecated componenttest.TestTelemetry in favor of componenttest.Telemetry (#12419)

  • exporterhelper: Remove the Request.Export function in favor of an equivalent request consume func in the New[Traces|Metrics|Logs|Profiles]Request (#12637)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • exporterhelper: Deprecate per signal converter in favor of generic version (#12631)

  • extensionauth: Deprecate extensionauth.NewClient and extensionauth.NewServer. (#12574)

    • Manually implement the interfaces instead.
  • configauth: Deprecate configauth.Authenticator.GetClientAuthenticator. (#12574)

    • Use the per-protocol methods instead.

🚀 New components 🚀

  • receiverhelper: Split receiverhelper into a separate module (#28328)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • cmd/mdatagen: Add supportsSignal func for Metadata type in mdatagen. (#12640)
  • receiver: Mark module as stable (#12513)
  • pdata/pcommon: Introduce Equal() method for comparison equality to Value, ByteSlice, Float64Slice, Int32Slice, Int64Slice, StringSlice, Uint64Slice, Map and Slice (#12594)
  • pdata: Add iterator All method to pdata slices and map types. (#11982)
  • pdata/pprofile: Introduce AddAttribute helper method to modify the content of attributable records (#12206)

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