github open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-releases v0.104.0

4 days ago

Check the v0.104.0 contrib changelog and the v0.104.0 core changelog for changelogs on specific components.

⚠️ The Core repository's release includes 2 very important breaking changes.

  1. The otlpreceiver now uses localhost by default instead of This may break the receiver in containerized environments like Kubernetes. If you depend on disable the component.UseLocalHostAsDefaultHost feature gate or explicitly set the endpoint to
  2. Expansion of BASH-style environment variables, such as $FOO is no longer supported by default. If you depend on this syntax, disable the confmap.unifyEnvVarExpansion feature gate, but know that the feature will be removed in the future in favor of ${env:FOO}.


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