github open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib v0.23.0
Release version 0.23.0

latest releases: v0.111.0, testbed/v0.111.0, testbed/mockdatasenders/mockdatadogagentexporter/v0.111.0...
3 years ago

🎉 OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib v0.23.0 (Beta) 🎉

The OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib contains everything in the opentelemetry-collector release (be sure to check the release notes here as well!). Check out the Getting Started Guide for deployment and configuration information.

🚀 New components 🚀

  • groupbyattrs processor to group the records by provided attributes
  • dotnetdiagnostics receiver to read metrics from .NET processes

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • stackdriver exporter marked as deprecated and renamed to googlecloud
  • Change the rule expression in receiver creator for matching endpoints types from type.port, type.hostport and type.pod to type == "port", type == "hostport" and type == "pod" (#2661)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • loadbalancing exporter: Add support for logs (#2470)
  • sumologic exporter: Add carbon formatter (#2562)
  • awsecscontainermetrics receiver: Add new metric for stopped container (#2383)
  • awsemf exporter:
    • Send EMF logs in batches (#2572)
    • Add prometheus type field for CloudWatch compatibility (#2689)
  • signalfx exporter:
    • Add resource attributes to events (#2631)
    • Add translation rule to drop dimensions (#2660)
    • Remove temporary host translation workaround (#2652)
    • Remove unnecessary default translation rules (#2672)
    • Update exclude_metrics option so that the default exclude rules can be overridden by setting the option to [] (#2737)
  • awsprometheusremotewrite exporter: Add support for given IAM roles (#2675)
  • statsd receiver: Change to use OpenTelemetry type instead of OpenCensus type (#2733)
  • resourcedetection processor: Add missing entries for cloud.infrastructure_service (#2777)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • dynatrace exporter: Serialize each datapoint into separate line (#2618)
  • splunkhec exporter: Retain all otel attributes (#2712)
  • newrelic exporter: Fix default metric URL (#2739)
  • googlecloud exporter: Add label if hostname is present in node (#2711)


As a precautionary measure against the codecov incident, we've rebuilt the binaries, packages and docker images for this release. Please update your builds and checksums.

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