github open-source-parsers/jsoncpp 1.4.0
Builders and security fix

latest releases: 1.9.6, 1.9.5, 1.9.4...
pre-release10 years ago
  • Added CharReaderBuilder and StreamWriterBuilder
    • See Advanced Usage in our docs.
    • These allow consistent configuration of CharReader and StreamWriter for users who require customization.
    • They will also let us add new features without breaking binary-compatibility.
    • If you are using operator<<(ostream, Json::Value) and operator>>(istream, Json::Value), you will not notice a change.
    • The old Reader and old Writers are deprecated, but still maintained.
  • Fixed security hole.
    • A deeply-nested JSON input could cause a seg-fault.
    • The fix is imperfect. Please stop using the deprecated classes.
  • Minor bug-fixes and enhancements, including:
    • -Wall -Wextra -pedantic for gcc
    • Minor formatting improvements, mainly to the deprecated StyledStreamWriter (which was the default for operator<<(ostream, Value).
  • Reverted C++11 features.
    • We still use C++11 in cmake, but we are rebasing the v0.8.z branch (which is binary-compatible with the ancient sourceforge 0.6.0-rc2 release) in order to provide all the bug-fixes possible.
    • Going forward, we intend to follow the Apache versioning model for functional-, source-, and binary-compatibility.

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