github open-policy-agent/opa v0.27.0

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3 years ago

This release contains a number of enhancements and bug fixes.


  • The eval subcommand now supports a -s/--schema flag that accepts a JSON schema for the input document. The schema is used when type checking the policy so that invalid references to (or operations on) input data are caught at compile time. In the future, the schema support will be expanded to accept multiple schemas and rule-level annotations. See the new Schemas documentation for details. Authored by @aavarghese and @vazirim.
  • The eval, test, bench and REPL subcommands now supports a -t/--target flag to set the evaluation engine to use. The default engine is rego referring to the standard Rego interpreter in OPA. Users can now select wasm to enable Wasm compilation and execution of policies (#2878).
  • The eval subcommand now supports a raw option for -f/--format that is useful in bash scripts. Authored by @jaspervdj-luminal.
  • The test framework now supports "skippable" tests. Prefix the test name with todo_ to have the test runner skip the test, e.g., todo_test_allow { ... }.
  • The eval subcommand now correctly supports the --ignore flag. Previously the flag was not being applied.


  • The POST /v1/compile API now supports a ?metrics query parameter similar to other APIs. Authored by @jkbschmid.
  • The directory used for persisting downloaded bundles can now be configured. See the Configuration page for details.
  • The HTTP Decision Logger plugin no longer blocks server shutdown for the grace period when there are no logs to upload.
  • The Bundle plugin now unregisters listeners correctly. This issue would cause listeners to be invoked when bundle updates were dispatched even if the listener was unregistered (#3190).
  • The server now correctly decodes policy IDs in the HTTP request URL. Authored by @mattmahn (#2116).
  • The server now configures the http_request_duration_seconds metric (for all of the server endpoitns) with smaller, more granular buckets that better map to actual response latencies from OPA. Authored by @luong-komorebi (#3196).


  • PKCS8 keys are now supported when signing bundles and communicating with control plane services. Previously only PKCS1 keys were supported (#3116).
  • The built-in OPA HTTP API authorizer policy can now return a reason to explain why a request to the OPA API is denied (#3056). See the Security documentation for details. Thanks to @ajanthan for helping improve this.


  • The compiler can be configured to emit debug messages that explain comprehension indexing decisions. Debug messages can be enabled when running opa build with --debug.
  • A panic was fixed in one of the rewriting stages when comprehensions were used as object keys (#2915)


  • A bug in big integer comparison was fixed. This issue was discovered when comparing serial numbers from X.509 certificates. Authored by @andrehaland (#3147).
  • The io.jwt.decode_verify function now uses the environment supplied time-of-day value instead of calling time.Now() (#3105).



  • The data document no longer needs to be initialized to an empty object (#3130).
  • The mpd library is now initalized by the module's Start function (#3110).
  • The planner now longer re-plans rules blindly when with statements are encountered (#3150).
  • The planner and compiler now support dynamic dispatch. Previously the planner would enumerate all functions and invocation was controlled at runtime (#2936).
  • The compiler now inserts memoization instructions into function bodies instead of at callsites. This reduces the number of wasm instructions in the resulting binary (#3169).
  • The wasmtime runtime is now the default runtime used by OPA to execute compiled policies. The new runtime no longer leaks memory when policies are reloaded.
  • The planner and compiler now intern strings and booleans and implement a few micro-optimizations to reduce the size of the resulting binary.
  • The capabilities support has been updated to include an ABI major and minor version for tracking backwards compatibility on compiled policies (#3120).

Backwards Compatibility

  • The opa test subcommand previously supported a -t flag as shorthand for --timeout. With this release, the -t shorthand has been redefined for --target. After searching GitHub for examples of opa test -t (and finding nothing) we felt comfortable making this backwards incompatible change.
  • The Go version used to build the OPA release has been updated from 1.14.9 to 1.15.8. Because of this, TLS certificates that rely on Common Name for verification are no longer supported and will not work. For more information see golang/go#39568.

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