(This update was originally 2.3, but there is a lot of weird unexplainable issues that I'm too tired to properly debug, I have set it to Beta so it doesn't show up as an update in Dopamine, use on your own risk for now)
EDIT 2: the build has been pulled outright as I deemed it too broken to be used by anyone, sorry for the inconveniences, I swear this version was tested, but for some reason people only noticed the problems after I released it >.<
- Add an oldABI implementation that doesn't use C function hooks and therefore (unlike the ellekit oldABI) should not affect spinlock panics on iOS 15 arm64e, accessible via Dopamine settings as "Allow Legacy arm64e Libraries" (NOTE: There is no need to remove the old ellekit oldABI package, since if the option is turned on, the ellekit oldABI will automatically be disabled. This is done because some tweaks may depend on the oldABI package.)
- Rework forkfix to not do any C function hooks on iOS 15 arm64e in an attempt to reduce spinlock panics on iOS 15 arm64e
- Wire down libraries whose text page faults are known to cause the stock bug (race condition) that results in a spinlock panic on iOS 15 arm64e, this should reduce spinlock panics by a considerable amount (Note that there is nothing special about these libraries except that they are used in a lot of processes at the same time, so there might still be more triggers for the issue) ((It still has to be confirmed whether this change actually reduces spinlock panics, but in theory it should))
- Fix a rare system deadlock during "Initializing Jailbreak"