github ooni/probe-desktop v3.5.2
OONI Probe Desktop 3.5.2

latest releases: v3.9.6, v3.9.6-rc.1, v3.9.5...
2 years ago

OONI Probe Desktop 3.5.2 [2021-07-08]


If you are running version 3.5.0 or 3.5.1, you have to manually download and install this update because of a bug in those versions. However, updates in the future will be downloaded and installed automatically when you open the app on your computer.

Download link: For Windows

Download link: For MacOS

You can find the version number near the bottom left corner of the app.


probe-cli: 3.10.0-beta.3


  • Critical bug in autoupdate that prevents downloading and installing updates (ooni/probe#1699)

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