What's Changed
- Change Persona to Assistant for Analytics Page by @yuhongsun96 in #3741
- Fix pagination for index attempts table DAN-1284 by @hagen-danswer in #3722
- Added ability to use a tag to insert the current datetime in prompts by @hagen-danswer in #3697
- Slack doc set fix by @pablonyx in #3737
- Bugfix/watchdog signal by @rkuo-danswer in #3699
- fix image edge case width screen size by @pablonyx in #3738
- Performance monitoring by @pablonyx in #3725
- cloud check for migrations by @rkuo-danswer in #3734
- Fix image wonkiness by @pablonyx in #3735
- Anonymous Polish by @pablonyx in #3746
- Indexing latency check fix by @pablonyx in #3747
- remove debugging for specific problem tenants by @rkuo-danswer in #3751
- Feature/more celery fanout by @rkuo-danswer in #3740
- missed ee_tasks_to_schedule declaration by @rkuo-danswer in #3755
- Add back postgres auth backend support by @Weves in #3753
- Vespa scripts + Redis script update by @pablonyx in #3758
- Add support for overridding scopes for OIDC by @Weves in #3759
- Allow all LLMs for image generation assistants by @pablonyx in #3730
- Add support for more /models/list formats by @Weves in #3739
- Input shortcut fix in multi tenant case by @pablonyx in #3768
- Unzip files + no double x by @pablonyx in #3767
- Turn off Unstructured telemetry by @yuhongsun96 in #3778
- Improved linking + scrolling by @pablonyx in #3744
- Fix Seeding Link for Support Use Case by @yuhongsun96 in #3784
- try using a redis replica in some areas by @rkuo-danswer in #3748
- Sync status improvements by @pablonyx in #3782
- Better vespa interface by @pablonyx in #3781
- Fix Confluence Missing Labels by @yuhongsun96 in #3788
- Fix Sharepoint Folder Parsing by @yuhongsun96 in #3791
- Bugfix/celery ignore result by @rkuo-danswer in #3770
- chat nits by @pablonyx in #3775
- Improvements for web build by @pablonyx in #3786
- Feedback by @pablonyx in #3800
- Search tool no results bugfix by @pablonyx in #3787
- Remove checkmark by @pablonyx in #3806
- Unstructured fix by @pablonyx in #3809
- Double check all chat accessible dependencies by @pablonyx in #3801
- Continue on internal error by @pablonyx in #3728
- Update slack configs by @pablonyx in #3776
- Create google drive e2e test by @skylares in #3635
- don't duplicate test module names by @rkuo-danswer in #3821
- Fix search tool name by @pablonyx in #3824
- feat: add option to treat all non-attachment fields as metadata in Airtable connector by @devin-ai-integration in #3817
- Allow Slack workflow messages when respond_to_bots is enabled by @devin-ai-integration in #3819
- Customer love by @pablonyx in #3813
- llm provider re-org by @pablonyx in #3810
- Sharepoint fixes by @Weves in #3826
- Tool id constants by @pablonyx in #3827
- app should be initialized once per connector by @rkuo-danswer in #3823
- Fix Unicode sanitization for Vespa document indexing by @devin-ai-integration in #3831
- removed logic to search first message, fixed query override by @evan-danswer in #3812
- Lowercase all user emails by @hagen-danswer in #3830
- Fireflies update by @pablonyx in #3838
- add timings for syncing by @rkuo-danswer in #3798
- fix race condition with permission sync and fences by @rkuo-danswer in #3841
- Add more sync records + fix small bug in monitoring task causing dele… by @Weves in #3837
Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.21.1