github onflow/flow-go v0.24.4

latest releases: v0.37.12-re-execute-block, v0.37.20-re-execute-block, v0.37.21-tts...
2 years ago

Mainnet 16

Major Changes

No breaking changes for Cadence included in this update.

There are two major features included in this software upgrade:

  • Consensus Voting V2: Protocol level optimization on how voting on blocks is performed, allowing more parallelism in vote processing
  • Epoch Dynamic Node Addition: Adds ability to more easily adjust Protocol member list during Epoch transitions

There has also been a lot of improvements made to the mTrie/merkle tree implementation including a bug fix which will effect how the Payload hash is generated. There are also improvements to caching, such as adding a new cache type which we're currently calling HeroCache.

Lastly, there is a change that will make this software version relatively incompatible with previous Flow node software versions, which is adding the execution CID, in preparation for the improve state sync engine. This change adds an extra field to the ExecutionResult data structure, which will produce different hashes for the ExecutionResult compared to previous software versions

All Changes

Cadence & FVM

Epoch and DKG Updates


General Node and Crypto Improvements

Access Node

Cosensus Hotstuff

Sporking process improvements


State sync engine

Build, CI & Tests

🛠 Misc Improvements

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