github onflow/flow-core-contracts lib/go/templates/v0.11.0
Refactored Transaction Fee Calculation

latest releases: lib/go/contracts/v1.4.0, lib/go/templates/v1.4.0, lib/go/templates/v1.3.2...
2 years ago

What's changed

Full Changelog: lib/go/templates/v0.10.1...lib/go/templates/v0.11.0

⚠️ Breaking change

Fee deduction no longer emits a FlowFees.TokensDeposited, but instead emits a FlowFees.FeesDeducted. FlowFees.FeesDeducted contains inclusionEffort and executionEffort info in addition to the final fee value.

The FlowToken.TokensDeposited event for the FlowFees contract address has no change, and is still emitted.

This breaking change will come into effect after a spork switches the fee deduction from FlowServiceAccount.deductTransactionFee to FlowFees.deductTransactionFee.

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