Omeka 2.0 is the second major release. It represents many fundamental changes and improvements to the core and development API
Core Changes
- Fixed numerous issues
- Shifted naming conventions for better comformity to upcoming Zend 2.0 standards
- Removed Data Types from ElementTexts
- Removed Entities to represent Users. All user information is now directly on User objects
- Added Dublin Core information to Collections
- Removed Orderable mixin
- Added Searchable mixin
- Ownable mixin now named Mixin_Owner
- Taggable mixin now named Mixin_Tag
- ActsAsElementText mixin now named Mixin_ElementText
- PublicFeatures mixin now named Mixin_PublicFeatured
- Omeka_Acl removed. User Zend_Acl instead
- Derivative images now produced for many more file types
- archive directory changed to files
- archive/files directory changed to files/original
- Phased loading is now removed in favor of loading resources when needed
API Changes
- Removed many functions with overlapping or similar functionality details
- Functions no long echo directly and instead return values
- Form functions have been removed in favor of using Zend Form Helpers
- Many new and renamed hooks and filters details
- Arguments passed to all hooks consolidated into one $args array
- beforeSaveForm() and afterSaveForm() callbacks removed from records
- Omeka_Form_Admin class added to help build simple admin forms
- Omeka_Plugin class renamed Omeka_Plugin_AbstractPlugin
- Controllers should now extend Omeka_Controller_AbstractActionController
- Models should now extend Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord
- Db wrappers removed :getDb, getTable, and findById are replaced by equivalent calls to _helper->db->{methodName}.
- Omeka_Context removed in favor of using Zend_Registry
- Plugins can now add their content to search with Mixin_Search
Additional details can be found in the codex and in the new documentation