github olifolkerd/tabulator 3.1.0
Cell Navigation, Key Bindings, History & Virtual DOM improvements

latest releases: 6.2.1, 6.2.0, 6.1.0...
6 years ago

Virtual DOM Improvements

Additional tweaks have been made to the virtual DOM to make it more efficient, it also handles tables with wide variations in row height much better.

The setHeight function has been added to help with changing the table height after initialization.

The redraw function has been fixed so resizing tables can now be correctly redrawn.

Key Bindings

The new key bindings extension allows for direct interaction with Tabulator with the use of keyboard shortcuts.

For more information checkout the Key Bindings Documentation

Interaction History

The new history extension tracks user interaction with the table, recording cell edit, row add and row delete events. It allows the user to call undo and redo functions on the table to move back and forward through their history.

This extension can also be linked to the key bindings extension to allow users to use keyboard shortcuts to undo and redo edits.

For more information checkout the Interaction History Documentation

Cell Navigation

A range of new cell navigation functions have been added to allow users to navigate the focused editable cell around the table.

These controls can be linked to the keybindings extension to allow users to navigate through the table using the keyboard.

For more information checkout the Navigation Documentation

Custom Footer Element

The footerElement option has been added to allow for customisation of the table footer element.

For more information checkout the Table Footer Documentation

Column Layout Saving

The new getColumnLayout and setColumnLayout functions allow you to store and retrieve custom column layout settings from anywhere you want.

For more information checkout the Persistent Columns Documentation

General System Tweaks

A number of small tweaks have been made to the system including:

  • The updateRow function now only triggers the updated cells to redraw, not the whole row
  • The setColumns function now renders correctly when called multiple times
  • The setValue function on Cell Components now mutates the incomming data by default
  • Input and text area editors have been updated to ensure they take up the full row height when they are displayed

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