github olifolkerd/tabulator 1.9.1
Tooltips & Button Formatters, Custom Filters and more

latest releases: 6.2.1, 6.2.0, 6.1.0...
8 years ago


On hover tooltips can now be set on a global or per column basis using the tooltip parameter. Click Here for more details.

New Formatters

A couple of new formatters have been added for creating button columns:

  • buttonTick - displays a tick icon on eac row (for use as a button)
  • buttonCross - displays a cross icon on eac row (for use as a button)

An additional formatter has been added for colored cells:

  • color - sets the background colour of the cell to the value. Can be any valid CSS color eg. #ff0000, #f00, rgb(255,0,0), red, rgba(255,0,0,0), hsl(0, 100%, 50%)

See Formatting Data for more details

Custom Filter Functions

If you want to perform more complicated filter operations you can now pass a callback function to the setFilter method. Click Here for more details.

dataEdited Event

The dataEdited event is now triggered when an action edits data in the table, (ed. editing a cell, adding/deleting a row)

Additional improvements

  • rendering speeds have been improved for large data sets (> 1000 rows)
  • row deletion bug fixed
  • examples.html has been improved

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