What's Changed
- Merge v2.61.13 rc1 fix metric by @zjg555543 in #265
- Merge upstream v2.61.13 rc1 by @zjg555543 in #263
- optimizing the checking for special addresses using ordered address lists by @dloghin in #267
- Add vmtouch for fake mainnet by @zjg555543 in #268
- Fix Docker Prometheus on Linux Server by @doutv in #276
- For database optimization and logs by @zjg555543 in #273
- Merge upstream v2.61.17 by @zjg555543 in #284
- Add block-level measurements and safe concurrency support by @KyrinCode in #285
- set txpool.globalslots to 100000 by @fatcat22 in #287
- fix configs by @fatcat22 in #289
- Mainnet LRP by @KyrinCode in #277
- add mock executor by @KyrinCode in #308
- Merge upstream v2.61.19 by @zjg555543 in #330
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.5.1-RC-1...v0.5.2