github okteto/okteto 2.0.0
Okteto CLI 2.0.0

latest releases: 2.28.0, 2.28.0-beta.3, 2.28.0-beta.2...
2 years ago

Changelog for 2.0.0:

934bc24 fix: set proxy name label after start (#2396) by @jLopezbarb
22024f3 fix: image expansion on up (#2394) by @jLopezbarb
fa475f2 feat: send logs in plain while building in tty (#2395) by @jLopezbarb
47ac629 fix: several bugs with the UI and the logs (#2391) by @jLopezbarb

Changes: 2.0.0-rc.4...2.0.0

Generated by Derek

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