github okteto/okteto 1.12.10

latest releases: 2.26.1, 2.26.1-beta.2, 2.26.1-beta.1...
2 years ago

Changelog for 1.12.10:

552adc2 Upgrade ingress API from extensions to networking (#1494) by @pchico83
f46cff1 Skip well known ports (#1484) by @jLopezbarb
b9a8192 Add transient error when building (#1492) by @jLopezbarb
6848092 Create multiple endpoints instead of setting public (#1485) by @jLopezbarb
dd512f6 Bump actions/cache from v1 to v2.1.5 (#1491) by @dependabot[bot]
31d9ceb Field to configure syncthing verbosity (#1490) by @pchico83
2c9e8db Option to init persistent volume from image content (#1482) by @pchico83
31e922c docs: lint Markdown, add docs, clean up (#1483) by @jbampton
01feb91 Add volumes to images (#1465) by @jLopezbarb
07a59f1 Validate namespace name before creating it (#1474) by @jLopezbarb
924fd7e Fix random behavior on test (#1481) by @jLopezbarb
9f0f7d9 Added support for variables on pipeline deploy command (#1462) by @ifbyol
4ea07fd feat(ci): run pre-commit with GitHub Actions (#1471) by @jbampton
5b2ec06 Add EditorConfig file (#1470) by @jbampton
eceea36 Add exposed ports from images without exposed port (#1467) by @jLopezbarb
b7f34bd Unmarshal environment in stack (#1478) by @jLopezbarb
270d661 Add deploy labels support (#1477) by @jLopezbarb
8e457f7 Bump github/super-linter from v3 to v3.17.0 (#1476) by @dependabot[bot]

Generated by Derek

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