github okteto/okteto 1.12.0

latest releases: 2.26.1, 2.26.1-beta.2, 2.26.1-beta.1...
3 years ago

Changelog for 1.12.0:

dad79ec generate ed25519 keys for SSH access (#1351) by @rberrelleza
e518470 add meaningful errors and remove super verbose log (#1352) by @rberrelleza
16e139f Support for stack entrypoints (#1350) by @pchico83
40ae0df Build stack images in the Okteto Registry when possible (#1348) by @pchico83
ac3c08c Show an info message if a pipeline is deployed/destroyed in a context different than your current kubernetes context (#1346) by @pchico83
37b7d31 Support "autocreate" for "okteto push" (#1347) by @pchico83
2d257fc Fix null ref in okteto doctor command (#1349) by @rberrelleza
2b7842c Fix e2e tests by @pchico83
32a5ab2 Allow users to override serviceAccountName (#1344) by @marov
c8514ec remove mock-release from PRs (#1345) by @rberrelleza
412bc6b Support for okteto build --secret (#1343) by @pchico83
87ae782 Syncthing progress bar showing the file being synched (#1342) by @pchico83
abea36e Propagate pod events to the spinner (#1341) by @pchico83
45225c4 Refactor stacks to remove Helm dependency (#1333) by @pchico83
7bb2443 Remove legacy user queries (#1307) by @pchico83
651b486 Compute sync completion based on remote device (#1335) by @pchico83
303c148 Update okteto/supervisor binary (#1336) by @pchico83
78b93ef Skip mock release (#1339) by @rberrelleza
096e5e9 fix master ci (#1338) by @rberrelleza
14b2e64 upload binaries in our gcloud bucket (#1337) by @rberrelleza

Generated by Derek

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