github odeke-em/drive v0.3.5
Release v0.3.5(Encore)

latest releases: v0.4.0, v0.3.9.1, v0.3.9...
8 years ago

The latest release features:

  • A command to handle clashes, list and fix them. This was requested in issue #447 and was fixed by PR #532. Now allows for:
Listing clashes
$ drive clashes dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e
These paths clash
X /dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e/f 0By5qQkvRAeV2Wk9FaEN4ZzNock0
X /dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e/f/g 0By5qQkvRAeV2amN5aFgzc1htVXM
X /dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e/f/g 0By5qQkvRAeV2N21ETkVCTHpkcEE
X /dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i 0By5qQkvRAeV2TWdVb29DRlVXR1k
X /dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i 0By5qQkvRAeV2Vk9lY3Y2SjFDYlE
X /dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e/f 0By5qQkvRAeV2TzE3LXNWVFNoaHM
X /dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e/f 0By5qQkvRAeV2NmEwUmFQOEZ0dE0
X /dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e/f 0By5qQkvRAeV2bm5ZRVpELXRHTWM
Fixing clashes
$ drive clashes --fix [paths...]
$ drive clashes  --fix dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e
Some clashes found, we can fix them by following renames:
/dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e/f 0By5qQkvRAeV2TzE3LXNWVFNoaHM -> f_0
/dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e/f 0By5qQkvRAeV2NmEwUmFQOEZ0dE0 -> f_1
/dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e/f 0By5qQkvRAeV2bm5ZRVpELXRHTWM -> f_2
/dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e/f/g 0By5qQkvRAeV2N21ETkVCTHpkcEE -> g_0
/dup-tests/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i 0By5qQkvRAeV2Vk9lY3Y2SjFDYlE -> i_0
Proceed with the changes [Y/N] ? 
  • Fixed an extra space from drive list output. This bug was reported by @darthcoli in issue #557. It was addressed by PR #578.
  • Typo fix in code by @eduardofv. This was done in PR #545. Thanks for the good eye.
  • A refactor of the code that handles multi job rationing to a common base. This work was done in PR #527.
  • Added a command for getting just fileId as requested in issue #533. This command was motivated by e.g @canpolat's comment in #530 (comment) in which he highlighted some difficulty in getting the fileId of a file while resolving a user's issue. It was fixed by PR #534.
$ drive file-id --depth 2 dup-tests bug-reproductions
FileId                                           Relative Path
"0By5qKlgRJeV2NB1OTlpmSkg8TFU"                   "/dup-tests"
"0Bz5wQlgRJeP2QkRSenBTaUowU3c"                   "/dup-tests/influx_0"
"0Cu5wQlgRJeV2d2VmY29HV217TFE"                   "/dup-tests/a"
"0Cy5wQlgRJeX2WXVFMnQyQ2NDRTQ"                   "/dup-tests/influx"
"0Cy5wQlgRJeP2YGMiOC15OEpUZnM"                   "/bug-reproductions"
"0Cy5wQlgRJeV2MzFtTm50NVV5NW8"                   "/bug-reproductions/drive-406"
"1xmXPziMPEgq2dK-JqaUytKz_By8S_7_RVY79ceRoZwv"   "info-bulletins"
  • Added an include/exclude mechanism in .drive_rc files for ignoring/including files. This feature was requested by @memeplex in issue #535. It was added as a result of the lack of a negative lookahead/double negation/ ignore all but in Go's regex stdlib implemented, at least at "1451307614.785091" and also "1461500703.126929" when this release summary was made.
    The utility for it is say you want to ignore all *_rc files except your drive_rc file, or all your mp4s except for mixtape.mp4, you'll write
# Inside my .drive_rc file

This feature was added in PR #541.

  • Fixed up a regression resulted from PR #528. This issue was reported by @memeplex in comment #535 (comment). It was fixed by PR #537.
  • Issue filing directly from your terminal. This feature was added in PR #542 and allows both piping of text or sending it inline e.g
$ cat bugReport | drive report-issue --title "Crash on pushing"
$ drive report-issue --title "Crash on pushing" --body "Similar to #5 but here always crashes only after a timeout"
  • Fixed a bug with exporting native Google Presentations to ppt and pptx. This bug was reported by @mirohe in issue #551. It was fixed by PR #559 and then updated by PR #588. The bug was that there was a regex ambiguity between ppt and pptx that is
"ppt": "application/",
"pptx": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation",

meant that the first match for pptx could either be the mimeType for ppt or the right one, undeterministically worsened by the fact that the regexes are in a map and keys don't have a deterministic sorting.

This release is the sum of sparse work on drive.

This release caught me on the move travelling between countries and places, couple of hours after my birthday and also quite heavy during my day job so I didn't have time to make a detailed summary. I finally got the free time today Sun 24 Apr 2016 05:58:15 PDT to write up a summary of changes.
Aside from that, thank you to all the users and all the contributors. Particularly, I'd like to give a shoutout to @canpolat who has been helping answer questions and matching patches. Enjoy v0.3.5!

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