drive touch path1 path2 path2
which sets the modification time of a path that exists remotely to that of the current time on the Google Drive server. -
Bug fix for proper quotation of content in a query, fixing the case with file paths that have quotations in them.
Checksum memoization to avoid recomputing the file checksum everytime a comparison between files is made.
This is to exploit the common case in which backups are mostly being made yet the data isn't rapidly changing
within milliseconds -- this setting shall be configurable. -
In case of only modTime changes, no file upload will be made, just the modTime will be remotely changed.
Ensuring list paths can be resolved relative to the current path e.g
cd ~/emm.drive/mnt/media
drive list ../../src ../documents links
Toggleable drive list ie instead of always printing long information, only print it if requested: