What's Changed
- bug fix for race condition crash when deleting a message by @gavine99 in #289
- use bluetooth sco source device, if available, to record audio by @gavine99 in #290
- Fix wrong string when long-pressing detail button. by @Inhishonor in #293
- changes to enable a delete/clear menu icon on compose screen by @gavine99 in #297
- changes to bring scheduled messages activity into ui alignment with the rest of the app by @gavine99 in #298
- changes to allow editing of scheduled messages by @gavine99 in #301
- Scheduled message save attachments locally 295 by @gavine99 in #303
- Update attachment icon retrieve and manifest query to enable by @gavine99 in #306
- upgrade glide library version by @gavine99 in #307
- Check to see if STT provider is available and if not abort process. by @Inhishonor in #302
- bug fix remove extraneous controls on compose (sim and mic) when no reply possible by @gavine99 in #305
- Fix Copyright Date by @Inhishonor in #310
- Fix Backup and Restore being unable to read file. by @Inhishonor in #311
- Replace QUIK hero image in README.md by @ADTC in #313
- Adds contributing guidelines. by @Inhishonor in #309
- version bumps from GH web by @octoshrimpy in #315
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v4.0.12...v4.1.0