What's Changed
🌟 Most Notable
Please restart Obsidian after updating the plugin. Thank you.
💪 Fixed: Improve next-date calculation for monthly and yearly recurring tasks, to prevent skipping months in years in many cases
- Previously: When a recurrence rule stated "every month" and the next month did not have the day of the month that the task is scheduled, that month was skipped and the next valid month was used instead.
- For example: When I marked a task that recurs "every month" done on January 31, the next occurrence would be scheduled on March 31, since February does not have 31 days. This is in line with the rrule specification, but not what users expect. This could be triggered by accident, for example when the task is based on the done date and the done date is on the 31st.
- Now: To fix the issue, the number of expected skipped months is parsed (defaults to one). So long as the actual number of skipped months is higher, the base date is adjusted one day into the past. In practice, this means that the example from above would now schedule the recurring task on the 28th of February (or the 29th for a leap year).
- The same applies for yearly recurrences, for example based on the 29th of February.
- Full details in major new section of the documentation: How the New Date is Calculated: Repeating Monthly
Full List
💪 Fixes
📖 Documentation
- docs: Note release version of 'Only future dates' by @claremacrae in #1195
- vault: Update .gitignore for Obsidian 0.16.x changes (3f48c98)
- vault: Update appearance.json for Obsidian 0.16.x changes (2809b30)
Full Changelog: 1.15.0...1.15.1