github objectbox/objectbox-dart v4.1.0

21 hours ago
  • Flutter for Android: requires Android 5.0 (API level 21).
  • Vector Search: You can now use the new VectorDistanceType.GEO distance-type to perform vector searches on
    geographical coordinates. This is particularly useful for location-based applications.
  • Flutter for Linux/Windows, Dart Native: update to objectbox-c 4.1.0.
  • Flutter for Android: update to objectbox-android 4.1.0.
    If your project is using Admin, make sure to
    update to io.objectbox:objectbox-android-objectbrowser:4.1.0 in android/app/build.gradle.
  • Flutter for iOS/macOS: update to objectbox-swift 4.1.0.
    For existing projects, run pod repo update and pod update ObjectBox in the ios or macos directories.


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