github objectbox/objectbox-dart v1.4.0

latest releases: v4.0.1, v4.0.0, v2.5.1...
2 years ago

Note: the code generated by ObjectBox has breaking changes, make sure to re-generate it after upgrading using
flutter pub run build_runner build (or dart run build_runner build for Dart only projects).

  • Support ObjectBox Admin for Android apps to browse the database. #148
  • Add Store.runIsolated to run database operations (asynchronous) in the background (requires Flutter 2.8.0/Dart 2.15.0 or newer). It spawns an isolate, runs the given callback in that isolate with its own Store and returns the result of the callback. This is similar to Flutters compute, but with the callback having access to a Store. #384
  • Add Store.attach to attach to a Store opened in a directory. This is an improved replacement for Store.fromReference to share a Store across isolates. It is no longer required to pass a Store reference and the underlying Store remains open until the last instance is closed. #376
  • Add an option to change code-generator's output_dir in pubspec.yaml. #341
  • Update: objectbox-c 0.15.2.
  • Update: objectbox-android 3.1.2.
  • Update: objectbox-swift 1.7.0.

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