This is a major release (hopefully few less bugs)
New Features
- Audio transcoding with ffmpeg addon
- new debug window to provide support on any issue
- Fast and "almost lightweigth" application for Windows/Linux/MacOs
- Import stories from various formats (STUdio / Lunii PK / PlainPK)
- Import using drag n drop from your Computer storage
- Supports ZIP / 7z archives
- Export to PlainPK
- Remove stories
- Reorder your stories
- View thumbnails and descriptions for official stories
- View storie sizes
- Lunii details : Firmware version, SNU, Free Space
- Get latest FW for your Lunii (you should backup the current FW in case of any update breaking the v3 compatibility)
Full Change Log
👌no more false positives.... 👍
Your OS (and VirusTotal also) might report the binary as a threat, but that is not the case.
That is a false positive due to pyinstaller : Analysis
Do never trust executable on internet, and rebuild it by yourself (you'll reach the same 😅)
The binaries are generated by workflows from GitHub, direct from Sources to Binary