Breaking Changes
This is a huge update with many different changes, two of which are breaking for current setups.
If you are using systemd you need to change the following from
ExecStart=/usr/bin/seasonpackarr --config=/home/%i/.config/seasonpackarr/config.toml
ExecStart=/usr/bin/seasonpackarr start --config=/home/%i/.config/seasonpackarr
The next change you need to do is related to the External Filter
in autobrr. Previously you had to provide your torrent client information in the Data (JSON)
field, now you just need to pass the TorrentName from the announce like this:
"name": "{{ .TorrentName | js }}"
Last but not least, you need to put your torrent client information in the config.toml, a good starting point for that is the config.toml in the root of the repo. That config file also contains some more information on how to configure the way logs are handled.
Otherwise nothing should really have changed for the user, but if you notice anything not working like expected, please let me know!
New Features
Bug fixes
Other work
- 683cd41: chore(deps): bump the golang group with 7 updates (#27) (@dependabot[bot])
Full Changelog: v0.2.6...v0.3.0
Docker images
docker pull
What to do next?
- Read the documentation