15.9.0-rc.2 (2023-03-29)
Bug Fixes
- angular: allow skiping formatFiles in component generator when called from another generator (#15953) (75f6b98)
- angular: handle projects with no targets in angular migration (#15940) (afdf5ea)
- angular: prevent nested calls to formatFiles in generators (#15946) (d20bf77)
- node: ensure node e2e test uses unique port to avoid port clashes (#15951) (e4db34a)
- react: ensureCypressInstallation on e2e tests (#15949) (65f7fca)
- react: setParserOptionsProject option should be respected (#15937) (8fd5bcf)
- storybook: increase timeout of flaky test (#15947) (9e9623e)
- web: ensure unique port is used for file server tests (#15952) (18c8e70)