github novuhq/novu v0.2.4

latest releases: v0.24.1, v0.24.0, v0.23.0...
2 years ago

What's Changed

Easily create provider

Added a hygen script to generate a new provider boilerplate.
Run yarn run generate:provider from the root of the project and follow the descriptions by @scopsy in #61

New MailJet provider

You can now send emails using mailjet by @deepak-sreekumar in #66

Unified SMS Providers response

A new unified provider response was added to all the SMS providers by @ComBarnea in #62


  • refactor(@notifire/core): adds a strict mode typescript compilation by @scopsy in #69
  • [doc] Updated readme's example by @akhil-gautam in #71
  • fix() Fixed Cannot find module 'handlebars' error

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.3...v0.2.4

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