github notaapp/releases 0.20.0

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4 years ago

This update brings a couple of workspace preferences which should be helpful if you use Nota to write notes. It also goes back to showing file extensions (like .md and .png) in the file manager and in quick dialogs.

Option to Start Files with Title

When enabled, new files will start with a , ready for you to type a title (H1). This is a workspace preference. You can enable it from PreferencesStart Files with Title.

Tip: When creating files, type the title first and then save the file and Nota will suggest a filename based on the title.

Option to Auto-Rename Files to Title

If you like it when the titles of your files match their filenames, you'll find this option useful. When enabled, it'll detect it when you make a change to the title of the current file and auto-rename the filename to match the new title. This also is a workspace preference. You can enable it from PreferencesRename to Title on Save.

Note: This will not affect titles that were not in sync before you changed them. For example, if you have a filename that has the title "Article about the writing app Nota", changing the title will not change the filename (because they didn't match before you changed the title).

Show File Extensions

The file manager in Nota will now show file extensions (just like a code editor would). Some of you requested this and we feel it's right. The editor in Nota tries to stay as close to the plain text (and not hide markup), it feels right that the file manager should stay as close to filenames (and not hide file extensions).

If we find that some people find a lot of value in hiding file extensions, we might consider adding an option (similar to other apps like Finder). Please let us know if you have any thoughts on the topic.

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