github noobaa/noobaa-operator v2.0.0

latest releases: v5.15.2, v5.15.1, v5.15.0...
4 years ago

Code name - "Honey Badger"

(Click the image to play "Honey Badgers: Masters Of Mayhem")




  1. CLI always uses current namespace instead of the previous default ns "noobaa".
  2. noobaa install --db-image <image> - Support --db-image flag.
  3. noobaa olm csv - Generate CSV #35.
  4. noobaa backingstore create aws-s3 | s3-compatible | azure-blob | google-cloud-storage - support creating all types.
  5. noobaa install | backingstore create | bucketclass create - call WaitReady and show status.
  6. noobaa obc create -n bla - fix to correctly refer to storage class.
  7. util.KubeCheckOptional() - avoid error message for optional features if CRD is missing

NooBaa system

  1. Change names of global resources ClusterRole/Binding, and StorageClass to <namespace> so they don't clash between namespaces
  2. Change names of operator resources (mostly RBAC).
  3. Change logdir from PVC to emptyDir
  4. CloudCredentialsRequest openshift/cloud-credential-operator (if CRD available) and create create default-backing-store (AWS only).
  5. ServiceMonitor (if CRD available) create to expose the noobaa metrics and alerts to prometheus.
  6. StorageClass create on reconcile - add ClusterRole permission to create SC
  7. Fixed repeating error - Failed to watch *v1.PrometheusRule: unknown.


  1. spec: separate to spec per store type (aws-s3, azure, ...).
  2. BackingStore - AWS-S3
  3. BackingStore - S3-Comaptible
  4. BackingStore - Azure-Blob
  5. BackingStore - Google-Cloud-Storage
  6. Issue #54: BackingStore stuck if external connection exists but exact matching fails
  7. Issue: delete backing store DeleteExternalConnection fix failure when IN_USE by another.
  8. Issue: BackingStore reconciler crash loop on system down
  9. Issue: Race create secret before backingstore


  1. BucketClass TierPlacement support for Single | Mirror | Spread and a list of backing stores.
  2. BucketClass - update status to Ready | Rejected.

OBC (Object Bucket Claim)

  1. OBC/OB CRD spec remove unused properties - ssl, versioned, cannedBucketAcl.
  2. CRD collision in OLM - use required CRD's instead of owned for OBC/OB CRDs.
  3. OBC with BucketClass - check bucket class not rejected

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