github nomic-ai/gpt4all v3.4.0

14 hours ago

What's New

  • Attached Files: You can now attach a small Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx) to a chat message and ask the model about it.
  • LocalDocs Accuracy: The LocalDocs algorithm has been enhanced to find more accurate references for some queries.
  • Word Document Support: LocalDocs now supports Microsoft Word (.docx) documents natively.
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: If .docx files are not found, make sure Settings > LocalDocs > Allowed File Extensions includes "docx".
  • Forgetful Model Fixes: Issues with the "Redo last chat response" button, and with continuing chats from previous sessions, have been fixed.
  • Chat Saving Improvements: On exit, GPT4All will no longer save chats that are not new or modified. As a bonus, downgrading without losing access to all chats will be possible in the future, should the need arise.
  • UI Fixes: The model list no longer scrolls to the top when you start downloading a model.
  • New Models: Llama 3.2 Instruct 3B and 1B models are now available in the model list.


  • Jared Van Bortel (Nomic AI)
  • Adam Treat (Nomic AI)
  • Andriy Mulyar (Nomic AI)
  • Ikko Eltociear Ashimine (@eltociear)
  • Victor Emanuel (@SINAPSA-IC)
  • Shiranui (@supersonictw)

Full Changelog:

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