github nocodb/nocodb 0.83.0
🚀 🚀 0.83.0 - Import Spreadsheets

latest releases: 0.261.0, 0.260.7, 0.260.6...
3 years ago

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  • You can import an Excel spreadsheet as a NocoDB project with just 1-Click.
  • We auto-identify schema and data type for you.
  • Then automatically import data.
  • Supported file formats: xls, xlsx, xlsm
  • Supports importing to new or to an existing NocoDB project.
  • Supports importing from your computer or a downloadable URL.

How to use

  • Click on New Project
    • Select Create project from excel option,
    • Select file to Upload (OR) drag & drop file
  • Or you can also simply drag & drop to NocoDB home screen ;)

Deriving Table & Column name

  • By default, the individual workbook sheet name will be marked as Table name.
  • By default, details present in the first row will be used to create a Column name. If empty, NocoDB adds field <column-number> as column name.
  • If two columns have the same name, NocoDB adds a numerical suffix to make the column name's unique
  • Default names can be re-configured in the Customize page during project import (OR) using the Rename option after project creation
  • Additional column's if needed can be added from the Customize page during project creation (OR) by using Add Table after project creation

Deriving Spreadsheet Data & Data type

NocoDB identifies Column data type on the best effort basis; falls back to SingleLineText if it fails to find suitable mapping datatype.

  • By default, the first 500 rows are used to identify column datatype. This number is configurable during project import time using the Advanced menu option
  • Empty columns to the left are ignored. Empty columns appearing in between are added to the table as SingleLineText column with default column name
  • Empty rows are always ignored

Datatype (Numbers)

  • Number: If every column data is a whole number (signed integer)
  • Decimal: If some column data contain decimal numbers
  • Currency: If every column data contains '$' prefix to the number associated (any other special characters not allowed)
  • Percentage: If every column data contains '%' suffix to the number associated (any other special characters not allowed)

Datatype (Date/Time)

  • Date: Supported format> YYYY-MM-DD
  • Time: Converted to SingleLineText
  • Date & Time: Supported format> YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

Datatype (Selects, Formula)

  • Formula: Data type identified based on computed result of the formula.
  • Checkbox: If column data represent boolean (true/false) state
  • Multi-select: If column data contains comma seperated values. Each value will be treated as a selection token
  • Single-select: If all values in the column are same

Datatype (Text)

  • Long text: If some column data text length is greater than 255 characters (OR) contains newline character (\n or \r)
  • Single line text: Default/fallback datatype

The datatypes identified by NocoDB can be overridden during project creation.
Note that, NocoDB uses SQLITE3 database; and hence you will not be able to change column datatype after the project is created

Misc notes

  • Merge cells: pre-merge values in the cell are considered for datatype identification & the same are populated into associated cells/fields
  • Rich text formatting in excel is ignored (font size/ color/ bold/ italics, and such)

Closed issues

  • [closed] Fails to load on safari #799
  • [closed] Table create fails after table rename operation #795
  • [bug] Unable to use handlebar syntax in mobile number field of Twilio plugin? #792
  • [closed] Is there an undo and redo? #790
  • [closed] External IP addresses during installation and use #786
  • [closed] The other version #784
  • [closed] CSV Import same file name #778
  • [closed] Deploy on Plesk Server #776
  • [closed] Nocodb always open registration #773
  • [enhancement] Auto update data on table opening (when clicking the tab) #767
  • [bug] Blank page after filtering; need to click page in pagination to see results #766
  • [bug] CSV export of jsonb column does not work #758
  • [bug] Incorrect offset in pagination when increased number of shown records #755
  • [bug] create-nocodb-app fail when used from a path containing a space #747
  • [bug] Component visibility to some specific roles #738
  • [community] wrong nav drawer toggle button position after adjusting the nav drawer weight #735
  • [bug] Some buttons should be limited to creator / owner role #732
  • [bug] Bug: Rename Table does not work #205

Full Changelog: 0.82.0...0.83.0

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