github noble-assets/noble v4.1.0

latest releases: v4.1.3, v4.1.2, v4.1.1...
2 months ago

🚨 This release is deprecated. Please use v4.1.1 instead. 🚨

This is a minor release to the v4 Argon line, codenamed Fusion.

The main part of this release is the introduction of the x/forwarding module.
It allows users to create a new account type, where the receipt of funds into
that account triggers an automatic IBC transfer over a specified channel to a
recipient address. This allows for one-click transfers to any IBC-enabled chain,
and can be used in tandem with, for example, the receipt of funds from a
Circle Mint account or via CCTP.

Other notable changes include are documented below.


  • Switch to Noble's Cosmos SDK fork (v0.45.16-noble), allowing DeliverTx to be extended.
  • Bump PFM from Mandrake patch commit (455757b) to release tag (v4.1.2).
  • Bump IBC to v4.6.0 to resolve ASA-2024-007 security advisory.
  • Bump FiatTokenFactory to 0a7385d for various blocklist and paused check improvements.


Full Changelog: v4.0.3...v4.1.0

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