github nkanaev/yarr v1.2

latest releases: v2.4, test-2023-08-13-001, test-2023-08-06-001...
3 years ago
- (new) autorefresh rate
- (new) reduced bandwidth usage via stateful http headers `last-modified/etag`
- (new) show feed errors in feed management modal
- (new) `-open` flag for automatically opening the server url
- (new) `-base` flag for serving urls under non-root path (thanks to @hcl)
- (new) `-auth-file` flag for authentication
- (new) `-cert-file` & `-key-file` flags for TLS
- (fix) wrapping long words in the ui to prevent vertical scroll
- (fix) increased toolbar height in mobile/tablet layout (thanks to @einschmidt)

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