github nk3nny/LambsDanger 2.5.2_dev1
2.5.2 Dev 1

latest releases: 2.6.1_dev3, 2.6.1_dev2, 2.6.1_dev1...
pre-release3 years ago

Added vehicles main gun switch to HE or AP when engaging targets (#261)
Added Range PBO (allowing units to spot and engage targets at longer ranges) (#246)
Added greatly enhanced suppression check (#249)
Added unified doGroupHide action (#258)
Added ‘suppress’ option to taskGarrison as an exit clause

Improved taskCamp, taskHunt, taskGarrison and taskReset with eventhandlers (#259)
Improved taskCamp by using ‘suppression’ event handler.
Improved stance usage in taskCamp.
Improved cleanup system of eventhandlers in taskReset

Changed WP Strings now using Stringtables (#247)
Changed to using native hashes for artillery system (#263)
Changed findClosestTarget function added to main (#265)

Fixed taskHunt module not working in Zeus (#252)
Fixed taskAssault zeus module opening when no dynamic target is created (#250)
Fixed civilian.fsm exit conditions (#253)
Fixed units attacking SuppressTarget (#256)
Fixed issues that artillery guns did not get readded in certain cases (#264)
Fixed assault/garrison issue with taskAssess (Units would fail to assault new buildings!) (#255)
Fixed wrong eventhandlers being selected in the garrison module.

Removed Suppression feature in taskHunt. This is better handled in the new FSM and group actions.
Removed Bugs :^)

In addition to a number of smaller changes, this release adds three big features. A greatly enhanced system for selecting suppression targets, armoured vehicles changing ammunition based on targets, and a Ranged module.

The enhanced suppression selection system lets units more intelligently choose whether or not to suppress potential targets. Each unit will evaluate its own position and that of the enemy, visibility, cover and concealment, before committing. Units will still suppress potential or assumed enemy positions-- but are less likely to shoot at useless positions. This is particularly noticeable in towns.

For the second feature. The dev team feels sorry for all of you. Armoured, turreted vehicles, are now able to switch ammunition type based on targets. Soft-skinned vehicles and infantry will be hit with HE, while AP and APDS will be used to engage enemy armour. This much-requested feature will greatly enhance the deadliness of enemy armour. So take care!

The third large feature tweaks AI sensitivity. This makes the AI more able to spot enemies moving across open fields. Expect engagement ranges increased by 100-200 meters in perfect conditions. So use cover and concealment to break visibility. This feature is under development, so values may change before the final release. We appreciate any feedback to refine this module.

Among the smaller features are the usual slew of bug fixes, but we’ve also enhanced other systems. The ‘Suppressed’ eventhandler is added to garrisoned and camped units, which will make them more responsive to enemy fire. We’ve also cleaned up and improved the performance of many of the other existing features.

NOTE: This version changes (and fixes) garrison modules. For mission makers that have set particular exit conditions will want to re-check Garrison modules in their missions. Previously the garrison module would not apply the selected exit condition consistently. That has been fixed.

From the team
diwako / joko / nkenny

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