github nk3nny/LambsDanger 2.4.3

latest releases: 2.6.1_dev3, 2.6.1_dev2, 2.6.1_dev1...
4 years ago

Version 2.4.3

Added context_menu actions support to the Zeus Enhanced mod
Added configurable setting for ‘combat mode’ sharing distance
Added patrol option to taskGarrison and taskCamp (default is disabled)

Improved taskAssault (more reliable)
Improved taskRush with dynamic cycle times

Fixed random suppressive fire in taskCQB and improved house selection routines
Fixed vehicles suppressing through terrain and high flying aircraft
Fixed units will more reliable man static weapons in taskGarrison and taskCamp
Fixed units will more reliably deploy static weapons from modded content
Fixed units with LAMBS AI disabled will no longer be forced into combat mode by information sharing
Fixed artillery registration issue
Fixed in Zeus, moduleCQB and moduleAssault would always delete the logic even when asked not to.
Fixed various issues in Eden and Zeus modules

This version fixes and improves many small aspects of the mod related to task modules and group level behaviour. For players using the Zeus Enhanced (ZEN) mod, we’ve also connected the modules to the contextual menu for ease of use.

From the team
diwako / joko / nkenny

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