github nk3nny/LambsDanger 2.2.0

latest releases: 2.6.1_dev3, 2.6.1_dev2, 2.6.1_dev1...
4 years ago

Version 2.2.0

Added AI unit voice callouts
Added setting to disable unit gestures
Added setting to disable unit Immediate Reactions
Added verbosity to debug messages
Added side configured colours to 3d debug helpers
Added debug messages recorded to RPT
Added visual checks to suppression to make function more reliable
Added ability to hot-configure fsm lambs danger priorities in variable "lambs_danger_fsmPriorities"

Fixed reverted CfgFSM settings to increase unit cohesion
Fixed added more time to check body events
Fixed tweaks to unit speed and distance check in cqb to add more fluid combatant
Fixed reduced building search range on reaction phase -- makes for more responsive AI
Fixed enhanced fleeing state intelligence
Fixed prevents squad vehicles from being drawn into movement
Fixed refined FSM danger priorities -- increased importance of canShoot
Fixed various aspects of taskGarrison and taskPatrol and taskCQB
Fixed taskAssault and Retreat will now allow users to move waypoint actively
Fixed incapacitated units would sometime speak or give orders
Fixed issues with LAMBS Zeus modules deleting units
Fixed additional checks when selecting artillery

Changed default suppression fire minimum from 25 to 20 meters

Optimize fnc_findClosestTarget (Thanks to Dedmen)
Optimize fnc_findBuildings (Thanks to Dedmen)
Optimize fnc_findOverWatch (Thanks to Dedmen)

Shout out to groups that have played with LAMBS Danger fsm and given feedback -- or simply have had us listen in on their troubles!
Pori Brigade, Gruppe W, CNTO, Special Forces Group, and

From the team:
diwako / joko / nkenny

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