Breaking change! Please update your docker-compose.yaml
change old path (right side) /path/to/database/directory:/app/medassist
to new path (right side) /path/to/database/directory:/app/database
- Switch to alpine version of node for arm64 and amd64, while leaving full node for arm v7 (I couldn't make it work for arm...) - reduced image size, supports ARM, multi architecture build
- Single database path for both node and docker deployment (BREAKING CHANGE)
- Upcoming schedules fixed (fixed CPU/Memory issues)
Separated upcoming schedules backend script from fetchAndCalculateMedications
fetchAndCalculateMedications function now stops loop if we are 1 year ahead (to stop hurting CPU/Memory), it returns days left = 365+ and reorder before = 1+ Year
removed showHistory and showFuture toggle buttons (feels like its more simple and better without that)
now showing fixed time range and it is limited by max number of rows
- Support for Usage = 0
- Inputs limits (forbidden invalid characters and similar on Config and Settings page), time and date inputs looping