github nipreps/fmriprep 20.2.1
20.2.1 (Long-Term Support)

latest releases: 24.0.0, 23.2.3, 23.2.2...
3 years ago


Release Notes

Bug-fix release in the 20.2.x LTS series.

This release adds missing metadata to GIFTI and CIFTI-2 derivatives and fixes a logging bug affecting a small number of datasets.

Additionally the --output-layout bids flag will now output fMRIPrep derivatives directly into the output directory, nesting FreeSurfer derivatives by default in <output>/sourcedata/freesurfer. This layout allows the output root to be a valid BIDS Derivatives dataset, simplifying data management and provenance tracking with content tracking tools, such as DataLad. This layout will likely become the default in future release series.


  • ENH: Output TaskName and timing metadata for all resampled BOLD series (#2320)
  • ENH: Add --output-layout CLI option to enable BIDS (YODA) mode (#2303)
  • ENH: Add Docker authentication to increase pull rate limit (#2316)
  • FIX: Specify logger for warning (#2298)

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