github nikic/PHP-Parser v5.2.0
PHP-Parser 5.2.0

latest releases: v4.19.4, v4.19.3, v5.3.0...
22 days ago


  • [8.4] Added support for __PROPERTY__ magic constant, represented using a Node\Scalar\MagicConst\Property node.
  • [8.4] Added support for property hooks, which are represented using a new hooks subnode on Node\Stmt\Property and Node\Param, which contains an array of Node\PropertyHook.
  • [8.4] Added support for asymmetric visibility modifiers. Property flags can now hold the additional bits Modifiers::PUBLIC_SET, Modifiers::PROTECTED_SET and Modifiers::PRIVATE_SET.
  • [8.4] Added support for generalized exit function. For backwards compatibility, exit without argument or a single plain argument continues to use a Node\Expr\Exit_ node. Otherwise (e.g. if a named argument is used) it will be represented as a plain Node\Expr\FuncCall.
  • Added support for passing enum values to various builder methods, like BuilderFactory::val().


  • Removed support for alternative array syntax $array{0} from the PHP 8 parser. It is still supported by the PHP 7 parser. This is necessary in order to support property hooks.

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