github nikic/PHP-Parser v4.10.0
PHP-Parser 4.10.0

latest releases: v5.3.1, v4.19.4, v4.19.3...
4 years ago


  • [PHP 8.0] Added support for attributes. These are represented using a new AttributeGroup node containing Attribute nodes. A new attrGroups subnode is available on all node types that support attributes, i.e. Stmt\Class_, Stmt\Trait_, Stmt\Interface_, Stmt\Function_, Stmt\ClassMethod, Stmt\ClassConst, Stmt\Property, Expr\Closure, Expr\ArrowFunction and Param.
  • [PHP 8.0] Added support for nullsafe properties inside interpolated strings, in line with an upstream change.


  • Improved compatibility with other libraries that use forward compatibility defines for PHP tokens.

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