github nikic/PHP-Parser v4.1.0
PHP-Parser 4.1.0

latest releases: v5.1.0, v4.19.1, v4.19.0...
5 years ago


  • Added support for PHP 7.3 flexible heredoc/nowdoc strings, completing support for PHP 7.3. There are two caveats for this feature:
    • In some rare, pathological cases flexible heredoc/nowdoc strings change the interpretation of existing doc strings. PHP-Parser will now use the new interpretation.
    • Flexible heredoc/nowdoc strings require special support from the lexer. Because this is not available on PHP versions before 7.3, support has to be emulated. This emulation is not perfect and some cases which we do not expect to occur in practice (such as flexible doc strings being nested within each other through abuse of variable-variable interpolation syntax) may not be recognized correctly.
  • Added DONT_TRAVERSE_CURRENT_AND_CHILDREN to NodeTraverser to skip both traversal of child nodes, and prevent subsequent visitors from visiting the current node.

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