github nikic/PHP-Parser v2.0.0beta1
PHP-Parser 2.0.0 Beta 1

latest releases: v5.3.1, v4.19.4, v4.19.3...
8 years ago

A description of changes incompatible with version 1.x can be found in the upgrading guide. This changelog lists differences to alpha 1 only.


  • Fixed issue with too many newlines being stripped at the end of heredoc/nowdoc strings in some cases. (#227)


  • Update group use support to be in line with recent PHP 7.0 builds.
  • Renamed php-parse.php to php-parse and registered it as a composer bin.
  • Use composer PSR-4 autoloader instead of custom autoloader.
  • Specify phpunit as a dev dependency.


  • Added shortArraySyntax option to pretty printer, to print all arrays using short syntax.

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