github nikic/PHP-Parser v1.0.0beta2
PHP-Parser 1.0.0 Beta 2

latest releases: v4.19.4, v4.19.3, v5.3.0...
10 years ago
  • [PHP 5.6] Updated support for constant scalar expressions to comply with latest changes. This means that arrays and array dimension fetches are now supported as well.
  • [PHP 5.6] Direct array dereferencing of constants is supported now, i.e. both FOO[0] and Foo::BAR[0] are valid now.
  • Fixed handling of special class names (self, parent and static) in the name resolver to be case insensitive. Additionally the name resolver now enforces that special class names are only used as unqualified names, e.g. \self is considered invalid.
  • The case of references to the static class name is now preserved. Previously static was always lowercased, regardless of the case used in the source code.
  • The autoloader now only requires a file if it exists. This allows usages like class_exists('PhpParser\NotExistingClass').
  • Added experimental bin/php-parse.php script, which is intended to help exploring and debugging the node tree.
  • Separated the parser implemention (in lib/PhpParser/ParserAbstract.php) and the generated data (in lib/PhpParser/Parser.php). Furthermore the parser now uses meaningful variable names and contains comments explaining their usage.

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