github nightwatchjs/nightwatch v1.4.0

latest releases: v3.6.3, v3.6.2, v3.6.1...
3 years ago

This version significantly improves the network stability and performance of the test runner, by improving the underlying http retry mechanism and error detection and reporting of API commands – a particularly important update for when using cloud testing services.

Additionally, we have added better support for writing advanced custom commands to make it easier to extend Nightwatch, and improved support for using Nightwatch programmatically. See writing custom commands docs page.

The Developer Guide docs also have been updated.


  • Added improved http request retry mechanism and better error reporting for api commands – a04162c
  • Added enhancements to assist in writing of custom commands – c977b16
  • Added abortOnElementLocateError global property to control if the testcase in progress should continue in the event of an element locate error (as a result of a click, getText, etc. command) – #2459
  • Fixed an issue with merging the config settings when passed programmatically – #2483
  • Fixed an issue where transport was set incorrectly for Chrome when using chromeOptions.w3c:trued56a9db
  • Fixed an issue where the locator strategy was not taken into account when specifying first argument in a waitFor* command – #2446
  • Fixed #2458 - implemented proper handling of 5xx server errors sometimes encountered during element commands, usually when using cloud testing services or selenium grid

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