github nicoduj/homebridge-deebotEcovacs 1.0.0

latest releases: 1.4.8, 1.4.8-beta.1, 1.4.7...
4 years ago

If you encounter any issue while installing, you might have to install additionnal packages on your environment since the main dependency of it depends on canvas library which is not available for all configurations. See there for more details : canvas compiling.

For use in the oznu/homebridge Docker image (Alpine Linux) please add the following line to your script and restart the container. You can edit this file in directly in the Homebride UI by selecting the drop down menu in the upper-right-corner and selecting Startup Script.

apk add build-base cairo-dev jpeg-dev pango-dev giflib-dev librsvg-dev

You can also use the PACKAGES env variable directly with docker

-e PACKAGES=build-base,cairo-dev,jpeg-dev,pango-dev,giflib-dev,librsvg-dev

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


platform name change from HomebridgeDeebotsEcovacs to DeebotEcovacs

  • [NEW] first non pre-version release, platform name change

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