github ng-alain/delon 9.1.0

latest releases: 18.0.2, 18.0.1, 18.0.0...
4 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • abc:reuse-tab: fix scroll bar misaligned (#863) (ea588b2)
  • abc:reuse-tab: fix lose ink bar (#863) (ea588b2)
  • abc:st: fix style misplacement when expand is true (#860) (773f546)
  • abc:st: fix unable to display loading when call load (#858) (020393d)
  • form: fix default date-time format is invalid iso8601 value (#864) (25cb0ee)
  • sf:widget:autocomplete: fix widget using ngAfterViewInit event will be overwrite (#867) (a47cfe6)
  • theme:yn: fix unable to select parameters (#866) (fa9d0ea)
  • remove console.log (#862) (e15cf62)
  • theme:default: fix search icon misplacement (#857) (32a6ab4)


Bug Fixes

  • abc:reuse-tab: 修复滚动条错位 (#863) (ea588b2)
  • abc:reuse-tab: 修复丢失当前标签标记 (#863) (ea588b2)
  • abc:st: 修复扩展打开后错位 (#860) (773f546)
  • abc:st: 修复调用 load 时不会触发加载效果 (#858) (020393d)
  • form: 修复默认 date-time 不是 ISO8601 格式 (#864) (25cb0ee)
  • sf:widget:autocomplete: 修复输入过程中呈现异常效果 (#867) (a47cfe6)
  • theme:yn: 修复 yn 支持可选参数写法 (#866) (fa9d0ea)
  • theme:default: 修复顶部搜索框图标错位 (#857) (32a6ab4)
  • 移除所有不恰当的 console.log (#862) (e15cf62)


  • abc:media: 新增 media 媒体组件,支持 MP3,MP4 等 (#859) (5009c5d)
  • abc:reuse-tab: 新增右键刷新标签,务必要调整 route-outlet,否则当前标签无法刷新 (#863) (ea588b2)
  • form: 同步所有 NG-ZORRO 在小部件内的属性 (#868) (f6bbf63)

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