github ng-alain/delon 8.1.0

latest releases: 17.3.1, 17.3.0, 17.2.0...
4 years ago


  • feat: add proxying to a backend server (#1237)

Bug Fixes

  • abc:st: fix losing default page config (#649) (8f59ea2)
  • form: fix losing inherit of ui property value (#647) (f2df673)
  • form: fix missing style of widget item (#646) (fe2f0fe)
  • theme:menu: fix can be choose one of text or i18n (#648) (3200998)


  • abc:st: add index argument of format (#644) (498d0b7)
  • cli: add proxying to a backend server (#645) (10c91d8)


  • 新增使用 proxyConfig 选项来代理后端服务器配置 (#1237)

Bug Fixes

  • abc:st: 修复 page 丢失默认配置项 (#649) (8f59ea2)
  • form: 修复 ui 属性无法继承问题 (#647) (f2df673)
  • form: 修复小部件样式 (#646) (fe2f0fe)
  • theme:menu: 修复 texti18n 二选一 (#648) (3200998)


  • abc:st: 新增 formatindex 参数 (#644) (498d0b7)
  • cli: 新增使用 proxyConfig 选项来代理后端服务器配置 (#645) (10c91d8)

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