github nextui-org/nextui @nextui-org/react@2.6.10

3 days ago

🚀 What's Changed in This Release

🐛 Fixes

  • TypeScript Types: Enhanced extendVariants typing for better system compatibility. #4291
  • Dependencies: Updated @nextui-org/theme in peer dependencies to resolve compatibility issues. #4334
  • Utilities: Prevented process?.env transformation in shared utilities. #4327
  • Docs Rendering: Fixed unnecessary re-renders in the documentation. #4349
  • Menu Overflow: Resolved clipping issues with menu overflow behavior. #4373
  • Input Behavior:
    • Filtered disallowed characters in OTP input value. #4338
    • Improved file input label placement. #4366
  • Component Bugs:
    • Addressed border issues in the alert component. #4383
    • Fixed hover state invisibility in card input and ensured consistency in date-input and time-input components. #4394
  • Mobile UX: Enhanced virtual keyboard behavior for allowed keys only. #4411
  • Navbar State: Fixed issues with navbar state changes. #4406
  • Listbox: Improved HTML rendering for section items. #4369
  • Select Component: Removed hidden input from select component to improve accessibility. #4427
  • Calendar: Resolved invalid prop warnings in the calendar component. #4428
  • Form Validation: Fixed missing behavior prop in form validation hook for input-otp. #4417
  • Alert Slots: Fixed slots and variantProps import in alert component. #4365
  • Intersection Observer: Resolved horizontal scroll triggering issues in documentation. #4341

✨ Features

  • Documentation Enhancements:
    • Preserved scroll position between navigations. #4294
    • Added NextUI Pro callout for visibility. #4391
    • Fixed link typos and examples for better readability and accuracy. #4342, #4339
    • Added input form validation examples. #4368
    • Updated switch custom style example to fix wrong margins. #4389
  • Stories: Added shouldBlockScroll stories for the drawer component. #4351

🔧 Maintenance

  • Posthog: Removed ingestion script for cleaner codebase. #4398
  • Drawer Component: Exported drawer children props for extensibility. #4310
  • Changesets: Version updates via GitHub Actions. #4326, #4435

🛠️ Refactors

  • Events:
    • Consolidated onPress events across components for consistency. #4354
    • Improved event handling in documentation. #4353

This release includes critical bug fixes, UX improvements, and updates to streamline developer and end-user experiences.

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