github nextflow-io/nextflow v0.27.0

latest releases: v24.05.0-edge, v23.10.3, v24.04.2...
6 years ago
  • Fixed Log command prints true instead of actual message #561
  • Fixed NXF_TEMP definition when instanceStorageMount is set
  • Improved S3 exitfile logging
  • Improved cloud config canonical formatting

(from 0.27.0-RC1/2 release)

  • Fixed Ignore Windows instances from AWS cloud price listing
  • Fixed AWS price reader catching unexpected errors
  • Fixed sendMail access to owner variables
  • Fixed NPE when creating task with ignite executor
  • Fixed null exit status in notification template #554
  • Added XPath serialiser
  • Added mail smtp proxy configuration #375
  • Added built-in notification documentation #554
  • Added built-in mail documentation #375
  • Added support for Syslog logging #330 #557
  • Improved support for AWS EC2 instance storage #558
  • Improved documentation #558
  • Improved config command adding -flat and -properties formats and using canonical curly brackets format as default
  • Update copyright info
  • AWS Batch increased queue to 1000 tasks and poll interval to 10 secs
  • AWS Batch improved executor scalability caching recurrent API call and batching similar requests together
  • Added notification message on workflow completion #554
  • Added built-in sendMail function #375
  • Added Warning message when a local version on a GH repo is different from remote #376
  • Added keepHeader option to collectFile #479
  • Added dump operator to enable easier debugging #517
  • Fixed Report an error message when a config file contains an unresolved attribute #525
  • Fixed Session working file system not defined when staging input files with Ignite executor #555
  • Fixed storeDir writes output files even when process fails #227
  • Fixed storeDir does not work with S3 targets #247
  • Fixed Config file available in introspection #264
  • Fixed Enhance container interoperability between Docker and Singularity #503
  • Fixed Process environment is not exported in the container context when a process uses an interpreter other than BASH #495
  • Deprecated support for executable containers #529
  • Deprecated DRMAA executor #488
  • Deprecated Extrae profiling #543
  • Renamed to .command.stub #523

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